Linda Melanson

Linda S. Melanson, CCAP, NLP, CNC

Life Coach, Neurolinguistic Programmer (NLP), Nutrition Consultant (CNC), Past Life Hypnosis Therapist, Aromatherapist (CCAP), Complimentary Health Care Practitioner,I have spent 20 years of my life studying Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Massage, Numerology, Bach Flowers and many more healing modalities.

I specialize in reconnecting with your inner child, inner teen and work with your shadow side. I help you to see your mental and emotional blocks and set backs, understand the patterns of your own life and use them to your benefit to build the life of your choosing.

I was guided to do inner child work when I was in my late twenties after discovering that I had been sexually abused as a very young child. Through this journey I was able to go from a place of lack, unworthiness and low self confidence to now thriving and helping others do the same. 

I serve with the belief that our childhoods and the experiences we have growing up is what has the potential to set us up to thrive as adults. The way we think about the life we have lived can create imbalances in emotions within our adult experiences but reconnecting with our inner child and shifting perspectives can create experiences that allow us to expand and grow. 

The way the think and feel creates our relationship with abundance which is programmed through our experiences within our childhood, teens and early adult years and gets stored in the subconscious mind. Within the human mind lies an innocence that possesses a deeper intelligence that often gets overlooked because of outwardly programming. As we reconnect to this innocent intelligence we release limiting beliefs and can begin seeing the possibilities of abundance all around us. 

We all have basic human needs like connection, love, support and encouragement and we will get them met with the resources and the information we have in the present. Relationships serve these basic human needs but not always in healthy ways. Through this understanding we can begin creating healthy boundaries which may create better possibilities for healthier relationships.


Through this work you will;

  • Know your true values
  • Know how to put healthy boundaries in place
  • Identify and shift limiting beliefs
  • Overcome some phobias
  • Understand harmful coping mechanisms and adopt healthy new outlets.
  • Establish a safe and secure relationship with yourself and others
  • Release toxic emotions like shame, guilt, fear and anger
  • Identify your vulnerabilities and strengths
  • Have more moments of living in the now
  • Become aware of patterns that no longer serve you
  • Reconnect to feelings of wonder, optimism, curiosity, and healthy dependency. 

Take a leap of faith in the direction of your goals, enrol in this class and begin a whole new journey of self discover and healing.