Parasite Cleanses

Parasites are the missing link when it comes to our health. If you look back to a short 100 years ago clearing intestinal parasites was a normal regular thing to do. Doctors recommended it and parents and families did it once a year to keep the digestive tract and the body healthy. Considering that we are literally exposed to parasites on a regilar basis by walking bare feet in the dirt, planting a garden, eating vegetables, getting bit by mosquitoes, ticks, eating red undercooked meats, porc, and fish. Quite honestly you cannot get away from being exposed to parasites %100 of the time. The only thing you can do is once a year take the time to clear any pesky critters that may be taking root and follow a program that will help you to reclaim your health and wellbeing.

I started my healing journey over 20 years ago. I didn’t have any health issues then. I was young and healthy and I followed the eating habits and cleansing habits for years. It didn’t help my progressing and worsening allergies over the years. My reproductive and hormonal issues, running eyes and nose, brain fog. These are just to name a few. By the time I was made aware that I had a parasite from an undeniable point of view i had to take action. I couldn’t pretend what was happening to me wasn’t in my control to fix any longer. To my surprise as I got further into the parasite cleansing processes all of my education and modalities started to make sense. I was using all my skills to get my body back into balance again.

When I first started on this journey I had so much shame , guilt and humiliation that I didn’t want to tell anyone what I was doing. As the cleansing went on and the parasite started to remove itself through my skin I went through an entire breakdown. I was so scared, lost and alone, humiliated if I even thought about sharing what I was going through with others. After my first year doing this kind of cleansing I started to hear stories of other people going through a similar experience and soon it was becoming regular conversation. I soon began to realize that I was not the only one going through these other worldly experiences and as my health improved significantly I wanted to help others reclaim their health as well. So I started putting my services out there to help others and the response was overwhelming hw many people were going through the same journey as I was with my health. Going to the doctor asking for advice and never getting the answers that lead to resolution of the problems.

This is why I became passionate about helping people wrap their minds around all this and giving them a place where they can ask questions and be in the environment with others who have been there and are going through it as well.

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