Learning the process of Forgiveness


When we suffer a great deal it is important to find meaning in what we have endured. The best way to completely move on from a trauma of the past is to learn what you needed from the situation, accept that it happened and change the perspectives on the trauma.

Without seeing meaning, a person can lose a sense of purpose, which can lead to hopelessness, despairing conclusions and depression. That doesn’t mean that we look for suffering in order to grow or try to find goodness in the wrong doings of others. Instead, we try to see how our suffering has changed us in positive ways.



Image from Osho Zen Tarot Set’ 


‘Much like the ‘ghost-hands’ holding on to the mind in this image, we cling to the traumas we have endured with love and sympathy and we think we’ve moved on. Scared of the unknown we cling to familiar torchures because it’s “safe”. Forgiveness is the way to release yourself from those ghosts so that you make space for new ways of living.’ 


When we suffer a great deal it is important to find meaning in what we have endured. Without seeing meaning, a person can lose a sense of purpose, which can lead to hopelessness, despairing conclusions and depression. That doesn’t mean that we look for suffering in order to grow or try to find goodness in the wrong doings of others. Instead, we try to see how our suffering has changed us in positive ways.  The best way to completely move on from a trauma of the past is to learn what you needed from the situation, accept that it happened and change the perspectives on the trauma. There has to be an opening in your conscious mind that is ready to take responsibility for the fact that you have attracted it and that there is value in the experience. Once you have downloaded the information that you need the situation will be complete and you will move on to new experiences.

What Forgiveness can do for you         Effects of holding on to traumas                                                        

  • Healthier Relationships                                     – Bring Anger and resentment to new relationships
  • Improved mental health                                    – Depression and Anxiety
  • Less Anxiety, stress and hostility                     – Lack of meaning and life purpose
  • Lower blood pressure                                        – Odds with Spiritual beliefs
  • Fewer symptoms of depression                       – Loss of connection with others
  • A stronger immune system                               – Loss of belief in yourself
  • Improved heart health                                       – Addictions
  • Improved self esteem                                         – Fear




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